Vision Engine



 - 全景\VR内容拍摄制作。


 - 可量产VR节目的内容制作平台,通过先进内容制作管理系统实现品质标准、制作流程、产能可扩充、制作周期可计算;VR内容云端并



 - VR素材交易、影片发行、IP输出、多领域内容制作资源整合。


 - VR内容定制服务。


 - Broadcast quality VR content procution.


 - Unique massive VR content production platform, through the advanced content management system to achieve quality

   standardization,productionprocess, capacity can be expanded, the production cycle can be calculated, VR content cloud parallel rendering

   system, digital watermarking, digital signature,data encryption for digital rights protection and management.


 - VR material trading, film distribution, IP(Intellectual property) output, multi-domain content production resource integration.


 - VR content customization services.

2017飞行者大会_上(Wuhan airshow part 1) 0:08:24|4K|2D
会见猫大人(Meet the cats) 0:05:04
桌上游戏(狼人杀下)(Table game Werewolf episode 2) 0:23:26
探寻琉璃渠村(四)(Explore the village of Liuliqu episode 4) 0:11:27|4K|2D
探寻琉璃渠村(三)(Explore the village of Liuliqu episode 3) 0:07:51|4K|2D
探寻琉璃渠村(二)(Explore the village of Liuliqu episode 2) 0:10:48|4K|2D
探寻琉璃渠村(一)(Explore the village of Liuliqu episode 1) 0:05:34|4K|2D
印迹 北京琉璃厂(二)(Beijing Liulichang part 2) 0:13:05
印迹 北京琉璃厂(一)(Beijing Liulichang part 1) 0:13:19
舞剧-目的地B(Dance: Destination) 0:23:09|4K|3D
舞剧-目的地A(Dance: Destination) 0:22:20|4K|3D
魅力奥运_花样滑冰(Figure Skating) 0:04:20|4K|3D
站台北京地铁(Beijing subway platform) 0:06:01
最后的动物园批发市场(The closure of Beijing Zoo wholesale market) 0:06:20
VAVA巡演(VAVA concert tour) 0:52:06
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